Video illustration of a book / Video-ilustracija knjige

Video illustration of the poetry book 
"Evening Nude in Lenka Dunđerski's Maiden Room" by Radovan Vlahovic.
Author: Senka Vlahović.
Actors: Radovan Vlahović and Aleksandra Horvat.

Video-ilustracija knjige pesama 
"Večernji akt u devojačkoj sobi Lenke Dunđerski" Radovana Vlahovića.
Scenario and direction: Senka Vlahović.
Igraju: Radovan Vlahović i Aleksandra Horvat.

This video illustration is published od DVD with the theory book „VIDEO-ILLUSTRATION OF A BOOK: A New View on the Illustration and Image-Building of a Book in Public” by Senke Vlahović.

Ova video-ilustracija objavljena je na DVD-u uz knjigu Video-ilustracija knjige (Novi pogled na ilustraciju i kreiranje imidža knjige u javnosti)”.

The video-illustration of the given book illustrates its text through moving (film) images, which puts the illustration in a position that has not thus far been explored to a great extent, and that is the possibility of treating the book illustration as a moving illustration which, just like the static illustration, corresponds to the given literary narrative, represents it in a certain manner and thus affects the very perception of the narrative. 

Video-ilustracija knjige tekst date knjige ilustruje pokretnim (filmskim) slikama što dovodi ilustraciju u jedan položaj do sada malo istražen, a to je mogućnost tretmana ilustracije knjige kao pokretne ilustracije koja, kao i statična ilustracija, korespondira sa datim književnim narativom, predstavlja ga na određeni način i time utiče na samu percepciju narativa.